
Testimonials & Endorsements

Sarah Hines

"Luisa brings an energy to everything she does. It's a positive, can do energy that is desperately needed in our politics. It's time for a change, and I believe Luisa Santos is the woman to make that change happen."

Jamaal Bradford

“The choices we make today will affect our future and our homes. I’ve known Luisa for years. I know his heart and what he can do. It’s all about you…and me…and our children.”

Josh Smith

“Of all the times we’ve needed a great elected official, it’s right now. Luisa has a broad experience in business, but also in community engagement. She’s a team builder. She brings people together, gets their input, and finds solutions. She has an amazing ability to do that. And to get the job done.”

Kelly Avery

"What always come to mind with Luisa is humility. She comes into every situation with an eye toward finding solutions, never trying to find the most politically expedient solution but the best solution for everyone. She is a true servant leader."

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